Featured Report: Supreme Court decision on health care overhaul: 5 people's stories
Chicago Tribune
June,29, 2012
By:Deborah L. Shelton
Note: This in a excerpt from the article where my reaction was one of the stories about the Affordable Care Act Ruling
Some people got emotional when they heard that the Supreme Court would not stop the Affordable Care Act from moving forward.
Howard Lee had a more pragmatic response.
As a member of the steering committee of a small-business consortium, Lee has been working to make sure the law gets fully implemented. He says it will help small businesses offer health insurance that is at least as good as what larger companies can offer.
Lee, who operates Wirehead Technology on the North Side, would like to be able to offer insurance to the other two people in his business, one of whom is his wife. He also has Type 2 diabetes and needs health insurance for himself.
Lee, 56, said he takes part in medical research to get medication to treat his diabetes. "I'm basically giving myself as a guinea pig," he said. He pays out of pocket for all his other health care.
The insurance problem has prevented him from expanding his business, Lee said. Instead of hiring more employees, "I have to do outsourcing or strategic partnerships with people who have their own insurance," he said.
He said the next step in implementing the law is for voters and consumers to hold legislators and insurance companies accountable so affordable plans are made available and a state insurance exchange is in place.
"If legislators go back on that, as far as I'm concerned, they can boot them all out of office," Lee said.
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This Week's Healthcare News
Modern Healthcare
Supreme Court upholds healthcare reform law
By:Joe Carlson
UPDATED at 12:30 p.m. ET: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the insurance provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are constitutional, handing President Barack Obama a major election-year victory and shunning 26 states that had sought to overturn the reform law. The court ruled that Congress has the power to compel individuals to purchase insurance as a tax on people who do not have health insurance.
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Modern Physician
Doc groups voice caution on healthcare reform ruling
By: Andis Robeznieks
The U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was met with a generally favorable—but somewhat guarded—response from physician groups. The American Medical Association released a statement attributed to AMA President Dr. Jeremy Lazarus noting that the organization was pleased with the decision, as it means millions of Americans "can look forward to the coverage they need." Lazarus also said the decision protects the bans on denying coverage for pre-existing conditions and lifetime coverage caps. He added that the decision also upholds provisions for administrative simplification for processing insurance claims.
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Health Data Management
The Wild Card: State Insurance Exchanges
June, 28, 2012
By: Greg Gillespie
Greg Young, governor relations manager at Medical Mutual of Ohio, says the payer has been analyzing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act since it was signed into law in March 2010 and is ready to implement its requirements. But what’s uncertain going forward is if the act when implemented will actually lower premiums, and if payers, providers and the federal government can couple with I.T. systems to enable the data exchange required to manage the health of the millions in, and millions joining, the national health care system.
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Press Release: Campaign For Better Healthcare
Media Contact:
Jim Duffett, CBHC Executive Director
217.352.5600 (office) / 217.840.5850 (cell)
The Campaign for Better Health Care Executive Director Jim Duffett’s reaction to the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act
The American public has been battling the opponents of fairness and corporate insurance industry greed for 100 years to create a system of health care that works for all.. An affordable, accessible, quality system of health care gives consumers and small businesses the ability to choose, and ensures their peace of mind and security. Obamacare accomplishes these goals.
Who is protected and helped by Obamacare?
1) You and your family: Obamacare makes health care coverage more secure for working families. You can no longer be denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition, or lose your coverage when someone gets sick and needs to use it.
2) Women: The new health care law makes health care more secure and fair for women by ending denials due to pre-existing conditions and ensuring women can no longer be charged 150% of what men pay for the same coverage. Because of Obamacare, more than 20 million women have already received preventive care such as mammograms and pap smears without any out of pocket expenses.
3) Young Adults: Young adults want jobs and a future. Thanks to Obamacare, 2.5 million young adults are now more secure because they are able to stay on their parents insurance.
4) People with Cancer and other Health problems: Thanks to Obamacare, the more than 120 million Americans under 65 who have a “pre-existing condition” now have peace of mind from knowing they can no longer be denied affordable coverage.
5) Small Business: Under Obamacare, tax credits will help small businesses provide quality health care choices to their employees. Soon they will also have the ability to leverage their purchasing power as a group and get the same lower rates as big corporations do.
“Today’s Supreme Court decision helps to strengthen our nation’s tattered social fabric and provides hope that constitutional law and democracy matters,” commented Jim Duffett, Executive Director of the Campaign for Better Health Care.
Duffett continues, “It is time for the obstructionists in the Republican Party in Congress and in Springfield, and a handful of insurance industry backed Democrats in Springfield to stop their crusade against Obamacare. It is time to put America and Illinois first, act like adults, and do something positive for a change that will help small businesses and hard working Americans by implementing Obamacare. Meanwhile, we are urging Governor Quinn to immediately sign an Executive Order and begin implementing the new insurance Marketplace (exchange) so Illinois' hard working families and small businesses will continue to enjoy the benefits of access to affordable, quality health care.”
Duffett concludes, “Thank you Obamacare and thank you President Obama for keeping your word and delivering for the American people. The United States can now join the rest of the sane western industrial world that provides affordable, accessible and quality health care to its people.”
# # #About the Campaign for Better Health Care
We believe that accessible, affordable, quality health care is a basic human right for ALL people. The Campaign for Better Health Care is the state’s largest coalition representing over 300 diverse organizations, organizing to help create and advocate for an accessible, quality health care system for all. For more information, visit www.cbhconline.org.
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