Monday, July 1, 2013

Featured Report: 4 Big Online Marketing Challenges (and How to Overcome Them)

4 Big Online Marketing Challenges (and How to Overcome Them)

Intuit Small Business Blog
by:Rachel Hartman

Wondering why your company's online marketing efforts aren't producing the sales results you expected? "As small-business owners, we tend to associate ourselves with other business owners, and [we] hear a lot of stories about the latest and greatest advertising or social media platform," notes Ben Seidel, president of Igniting Business, a consulting firm that specializes in marketing and technology services. Learn More
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7 Mobile Marketing Stats That Will Blow Your Mind
Convince and Convert
by:Chris Warden

Mobile marketing is the future. Any marketer, or marketing firm worth their weight in invoices knows that the key to future success is adapting to and optimizing for the mobile market. When you're in a public place, you don't have to look far to find someone pre-occupied with a smartphone. This very same occurrence that you see on a day-to-day basis also happens at home, with tablets. Tablets and mobile devices are taking over the market and that makes for an exciting piece of Internet history that many are recognizing, but few are really cashing in on. The following 7 statistics will give you an idea of just how big this is, and how much bigger it'll be over the next few years. Pay close attention.
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Should You 'Friend' Your Employees on Facebook?
by:Janine Popick

And what about LinkedIn? Social media has become a fact of life-- but where are the lines drawn between employer and employee?
There's no denying that social media has changed our personal and professional lives in a multitude of ways. Ten years ago, LinkedIn was just starting out and Mark Zuckerberg and crew were still dreaming up Facebook in their dorm room. Nowadays, many of us can't imagine a day without updating our status or sharing something on these omnipresent social networks. The question is, in the workplace do you blur the lines and friend your employees on Facebook? Do you endorse and recommend them on LinkedIn? Read Study
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Small Business Owner,
If You don't have a Social Media Network may I ask WHY?

That is why I am excited to introduce you to our Social Media Services As a small business we know that trying to understand the new Web 2.0 environment such as website development, e-commerce, mobility, and social networking can be confusing. And most small business like yours are bombarded with 1000's of solutions that promises to make your business successful online.


Then we can help Wirehead Technology has a group of services designed for small business like yours. We work with your business to develop web strategies that is line with your business to create a website that you, your customers, and suppliers can understand get the most from your online presence.


But we don't stop there we will also link your website to all the top social networks like, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to create a hub that will bring all of your systems together in one place.


Wirehead Technology has also has partnerships with IBM Social Media, Shortstack Facebook Applications, Constant Contact, and others that can help you build and maintain your social media network to keep you in touch with your customers 24/7 on any social media network. So if you are looking to take advantage of how social media can help your business visit our website at or email Don't wait contact us Today

Try Constant Contact FREE for 60 days!

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