Small Business Q&A On SEO And Content Marketing
Small Business Newz July,16,2013 by:Lee Odden The idea of making online content that is useful to people as well as easy to find and share applies to any organization whether it's a B2B software company, a non-profit association or a government organization. There's so much information being produced and promoted plus a growing array options for consuming content that standing out can be a real challenge. I recently did a Google+ Hangout with a group of Chamber of Commerce executives from all over the U.S. talking about the role of content in marketing for small businesses. We dug into the fundamentals of what to talk about and how it can create a mutual benefit for SMBs and their customers. We also discussed the notion of empathy for our audiences and how important it is to invest in quality content as well as efforts to make that content easy to find and share. Learn More |
Apps want to be free, and we love ads (report)
Venture Beat July,18,2013 by:John Koetsier We all hate advertising, right? Wrong. In fact, the vast majority of us are very happy to have advertising, according to a recent report by Flurry, which powers analytics for nearly 350,000 apps. The evidence? In 2011, 80 percent of apps were free. Today, 90 percent of apps are free, with monetization provided via good old we-gather-an-audience-and-sell-its-attention strategy that has worked since the dawn of modern media. Read More |
Marketing Myths You Should Ignore
Social Media TodayJuly,14,2013 by:Debra Murphy As long as I have been in marketing, I've heard my share of excuses for why small businesses don't invest in marketing. These marketing myths when constantly repeated, become reality. Marketing Myths = Excuses Small businesses have many opportunities to attract their ideal client if they put these marketing myths aside and create a practical marketing plan that will work for their business. Myth 1: My target market is older, therefore social media won't work Fact: According to a late 2012 survey by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, 52% of online boomers and 32% of online seniors are using social networking sites, the most popular being Facebook at 57% and 35% respectively. Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect and build relationships with those who just may be waiting to find your business through social media. Read Study |
Wirehead Technology Social Media Managed Services
Small Business Owner,
If You don't have a Social Media Network may I ask WHY? That is why I am excited to introduce you to our Social Media Services As a small business we know that trying to understand the new Web 2.0 environment such as website development, e-commerce, mobility, and social networking can be confusing. And most small business like yours are bombarded with 1000's of solutions that promises to make your business successful online.
Then we can help Wirehead Technology has a group of services designed for small business like yours. We work with your business to develop web strategies that is line with your business to create a website that you, your customers, and suppliers can understand get the most from your online presence.
But we don't stop there we will also link your website to all the top social networks like, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to create a hub that will bring all of your systems together in one place.
Wirehead Technology has also has partnerships with IBM Social Media, Shortstack Facebook Applications, Constant Contact, and others that can help you build and maintain your social media network to keep you in touch with your customers 24/7 on any social media network. So if you are looking to take advantage of how social media can help your business visit our website at or email Don't wait contact us Today |
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