Monday, December 31, 2012

Featured Report: 2013: What Does The Future of Mobile Marketing Hold?

Mobile Marketing Watch
by: Michael
It’s time once again to gaze deeply into our crystal balls and predict what the new year may deliver to our cherished industry. “Mobile marketing will see unprecedented growth next year,” Ian Hayes, an independent mobile marketing consultant formerly with Enterprise eCommerce Connections, tells Mobile Marketing Watch on Friday. “Many of the large and mid-sized brands that have stayed out of mobile for whatever reason will finally get off the fence and jump into the deep end.”
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This Week's Mobile Marketing News
Mobile Commerce Daily
How mobile shopping will improve in the future

by:Chantal Tode
While the growth in mobile shopping was one of the big stories of 2012, continued success is likely to be driven as much by how retailers leverage emerging technologies to enhance the omnichannel shopping experience as by higher smartphone penetration levels. Mobile’s ubiquity is one of the reasons for its success with consumers as a shopping tool, but the experience as it stands today lacks richness. However, retailers have an opportunity to leverage emerging mobile technologies to enhance the experience through touch, sight and smell, according to IBM.
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Mobile Marketing Watch
Mobile Marketing Watch’s Top Ten Stories of 2012

by: Michael
With only a few days remaining in 2012, we at Mobile Marketing Watch are taking a look back at some of the biggest stories of the year across the mobile marketing, social media, and mobile tech landscape. From the general growth observed in the mobile marketing industry to the mobile tech developments (4G LTE expansion, NFC emergence, etc.) that continue to impact our daily existence, 2012 was an unforgettable year of news, rumors, and events.
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Readwrite Mobile
5 Trends In HTML5 In 2012

Dec,26, 2012
by:Dan Rowinski
At the end of 2011, the mobile industry believed that HTML5 was on the cusp of ubiquity. Everybody would be using it to build apps and mobile websites and we would finally see real operating systems based on HTML5 start creeping towards acceptance. HTML5 was to become the dominant development stack, taking the mantle from all those native apps that had come to dominate the iOS App Store and Android’s Google Play. What actually happened is that HTML5 more likely took a step back in developer acceptance in 2012.
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Small Business Healthcare Consortium

Hello Small Business Owners,
I am writing to you because our changing health care system will have a profound effect on all of us. Now that the election is over and the Supreme Court has ruled, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not going away. It will not be repealed and it is up to us to make sure it will work for small businesses and individuals as it was intended to do. That’s why I joined the Campaign for Better Health Care’s newly created Small Business Health Care Consortium (SBHCC).

This consortium views the needs of small businesses and their employees as a top priority. And, as a member of the Steering Committee of the SBHCC, I am personally inviting you and asking you to invite your network of small businesses to participate in a one hour, educational free webinar about the Affordable Care Act on January 15th at 11:00am CST or January 16th at 3:30pm CST. Discussions around health reform have been confusing and, sometimes, even misleading. It is the goal of this free webinar to provide factual information about the changes that are already happening and those coming in the near future. It will discuss the benefits and opportunities of the ACA and what Illinois small businesses need to do to make sure this law will benefit them.

Follow this link to register for:
January 15th:

January 16th:

Many key components of the ACA are national in nature. For instance, small businesses currently providing health insurance to their employees could be eligible for a 35% tax credit. And, while employers with fewer than 50 full time employees are not required to provide health insurance, their employees can take advantage of the ACA’s benefits. Other components will be implemented at the State level and these decisions will either enhance small businesses or provide another hurdle. One important component is that all states must implement a health insurance exchange (marketplace). These exchanges will include a rate review process with defined, easy to understand plans to consider and review side-by-side. As small business owners we share many of the same, serious business challenges. It is my hope that you and your small business peers do want to learn more about the ACA. Let’s take this opportunity to act collectively to get control of health insurance costs and improve access to coverage.

The opportunity to create positive change is now. It is about fairness and choices for small businesses. Please register:
January 15th, 11am CST:
January 16th, 3:30pm CST:

And, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or ideas. Reach me at 312-286-8416 email or Wirehead Technology Healthcare IT Serives at Find a listing of our SBHCC Steering Committee members at: .

Howard Lee CIO
Wirehead Technology

If you need answers to your Healthcare IT needs now visit our Healthcare Managed Services page at Wirehead Technology

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Seminar: Understanding EHR Networks

Seminar: Understanding EHR Networks

With Meaningful Use 1 and 2 now part of the healthcare IT landscape. Private healthcare providers must now create EHR systems or face sever penalties by 2015. But many private doctors and small clinics while knowing that they have to create an EHR have not started because they have so many questions about how to create and EHR. But not many answers from government or Healthcare IT providers that could help them create their EHR systems like larger healthcare providers who have larger IT budgets and staff.

This fact has forced many small healthcare providers to partner with larger hospitals to help them create their EHR network. The latest reports states that over 60% of small healthcare providers have partner with larger hospitals to help them create their EHR network Still many small providers are going on their own to create their EHR networks. For these providers they must ask themselves several questions to to truly understand how to create and EHR system that will meet all of the Meaningful Use 1 and 2 requirements these questions are:

1.Have you started your EHR network?
2.Do you know if your are eligible for the EHR Incentive Program through Medicare and Medicaid?
3.Do you have any type of medical software in place i.e. scheduling, lab reports, billing,etc. In your practice?
4.Are you aware of the Meaningful use1 and 2 time limits and penalties for not having an EHR plan in place?
5.Can your practice survive a medical IT audit?
6.Are You waiting to start your EHR network because of changes in the Healthcare Policies?
7.What Role Does Mobility Play in E H R?
8.Are you unsure of the cost of an E H R network?
9.Are you confused about how to pick the right IT vendor that can help you build your E H R Network?

If you are a Doctor or Administrator for a clinic or small hospital who need answers to these question then you should come to our seminar called “Understanding E H R” where will go thorough these question and give you the answers and solutions you need to get your E H R network completed within the guideline of HIPPA and HITECH regulations and qualify for Meaningful Use 1 & 2

The seminar will be held January, 9, 2013
Time: 9:30 am to 10:30 am
Wiess Memorial Hospital Auditorium
4646 N. Marine Drive
Chicago, IL 60640
(773) 878-8700
(800) 503-1234

Featured Speakers:
Howard Lee
Wirehead Technology
Howard Lee is the CIO of Wirehead Technology a mobile IT consulting company. He has been working in Healthcare for over 10 years. In 2001 he was a speaker at the National Medical Association Convention and an exhibitor at the Radiology Society of North America Expo on the subject of “Mobility in Healthcare”.

Hunt Russell
VP Business Development
7 Medical
Mr. Russell has been responsible for multiple roles within 7 Medical and currently serves as VP of Business Development. Initially, he was responsible for sales and building the sales team and partner channels. He has also been involved with operational and financial duties, including raising capital.

Event Sponsors:
Business Partners of Uptown Chamber of Commerce

To Register for this event go to

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Featured Report: 2013 Healthcare Regulatory Outlook

Healthcare Info Security
by: Marianne Kolbasuk McGee
A long-overdue omnibus package that includes HIPAA modifications tops the list of regulations dealing with health data privacy and security issues that are pending for 2013. Also pending is an accounting of disclosures rule that, in early draft form, called for providing patients, upon request, with reports listing everyone who accessed their electronic health information. Plus, rules for Stage 3 of the HITECH Act electronic health record incentive program, which begins in 2016, are in development.
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This Week's Healthcare News
New York Times
Doctors Warned on ‘Divided Loyalty’

by: Robert Pear
WASHINGTON — With hospitals buying up medical practices around the country and seeking to make the most of their investment, the American Medical Association reached out to doctors this week to remind them that patient welfare must always come first and not be overridden by the economic interests of hospitals that now employ doctors in ever-growing numbers. “In any situation where the economic or other interests of the employer are in conflict with patient welfare, patient welfare must take priority,” says a policy statement adopted by the association.
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Med City News
Top 5 New Year’s resolutions that hospitals should make to thrive in 2013

by: Arundhati Parmar
With the Affordable Care Act now the law of the land, a value-based healthcare regime where hospitals are rewarded for keeping patients well, for being efficient and cost conscious is the path we are on. Instead of growing nostalgic for an easier time – never a recipe for success — hospitals need to review their operations, both clinical and business. Here are the five New Year resolutions that any hospital or health system eager to secure their future in 2013 and beyond should adopt.
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Patient satisfaction surveys highly valuable, if done right: researchers

Dec,26, 2012
by: Andis Robeznieks
Despite complaints that patient-satisfaction surveys may be influenced by factors not associated with the care delivered, the authors of a New England Journal of Medicine opinion piece argue that appropriately designed and timely administered surveys "provide robust measures of quality" and that efforts to accurately measure patient experiences "should be redoubled."
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Small Business Healthcare Consortium
Hello Small Business Owners,
I am writing to you because our changing health care system will have a profound effect on all of us. Now that the election is over and the Supreme Court has ruled, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not going away. It will not be repealed and it is up to us to make sure it will work for small businesses and individuals as it was intended to do. That’s why I joined the Campaign for Better Health Care’s newly created Small Business Health Care Consortium (SBHCC).

This consortium views the needs of small businesses and their employees as a top priority. And, as a member of the Steering Committee of the SBHCC, I am personally inviting you and asking you to invite your network of small businesses to participate in a one hour, educational free webinar about the Affordable Care Act on January 15th at 11:00am CST or January 16th at 3:30pm CST. Discussions around health reform have been confusing and, sometimes, even misleading. It is the goal of this free webinar to provide factual information about the changes that are already happening and those coming in the near future. It will discuss the benefits and opportunities of the ACA and what Illinois small businesses need to do to make sure this law will benefit them.

Follow this link to register for:
January 15th:

January 16th:

Many key components of the ACA are national in nature. For instance, small businesses currently providing health insurance to their employees could be eligible for a 35% tax credit. And, while employers with fewer than 50 full time employees are not required to provide health insurance, their employees can take advantage of the ACA’s benefits. Other components will be implemented at the State level and these decisions will either enhance small businesses or provide another hurdle. One important component is that all states must implement a health insurance exchange (marketplace). These exchanges will include a rate review process with defined, easy to understand plans to consider and review side-by-side. As small business owners we share many of the same, serious business challenges. It is my hope that you and your small business peers do want to learn more about the ACA. Let’s take this opportunity to act collectively to get control of health insurance costs and improve access to coverage.

The opportunity to create positive change is now. It is about fairness and choices for small businesses. Please register:
January 15th, 11am CST:
January 16th, 3:30pm CST:

And, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or ideas. Reach me at 312-286-8416 email or Wirehead Technology Healthcare IT Serives at Find a listing of our SBHCC Steering Committee members at: .

Howard Lee CIO
Wirehead Technology

If you need answers to your Healthcare IT needs now visit our Healthcare Managed Services page at Wirehead Technology

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Featured Report: Did iOS 6 Save Mobile Advertising?

Media Post Blog
by:Scott Swanson
Before iOS 6 was released on September 19, we had a serious problem. Mobile advertising -- the prodigal son of the digital age -- was being held back. It wasn't the best it could be. Sure, millions of people were using Google Maps on their iPhone to efficiently get from Point A to Point B, but they were also downloading apps, making purchases on mobile Web sites, and researching new cars or vacation destinations. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any way to learn from all of that great mobile activity. Without an ability to process trends or determine which clicks actually led to some kind of meaningful post-click action, we were limited from taking mobile to the next level.
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This Week's Wireless Industry News
Fierce Mobile Developer
HTML5 research shows strong developer support

by: Shane Schick
Facebook's (NASDAQ:FB) decision to "go native" for its iOS and Android apps may have made international headlines, but it doesn't seem to have had much influence on the attitudes of other developers around the use of HTML5, according to a recent survey. In September, Kendo UI, a provider of JavaScript and HTML5 tools and services, surveyed more than 4,000 developers, and 82 percent of respondents said they see HTML5 as important to their job in the next 12 months. In fact, 63 percent said they are already making apps using HTML5. Even the 6 percent who said they aren't actively using HTML5 now plan to do so in the next 1-2 years.
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The Next Web
RIM releases ‘gold’ BlackBerry 10 developer toolkit as part of final push for app support

by: Nick Summers
Research In Motion (RIM) has launched the “gold” version of its developer toolkit for the BlackBerry 10 mobile operating system today, as it begins one last push to try and persuade potential developers to build new apps for its upcoming platform. The new build includes all of the final tools, components and application programming interfaces (API) that developers will need to create apps for BlackBerry 10, which is due to be launched on January 30. So far, the company is right on track with the schedule released last month.
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Fierce Wireless
Dish nabs FCC approval for wireless network

Dec,12, 2012
by: Phil Golstein
The FCC voted unanimously to approve Dish Network's plans to use its MSS S-band spectrum for terrestrial use, an action Dish has been pushing for during the past year. Dish has said it plans to build out an LTE Advanced network by 2016. However, reports indicate that Dish will be required to use a portion of its spectrum at a lower power level than it had originally wanted, a position Sprint Nextel (NYSE:S) had pushed for. At the same time, the FCC also approved plans to auction the PCS H Block, which sits next to Dish's spectrum and which Sprint has indicated it wants to bid on next year to use for LTE.
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Small Business Healthcare Consortium

Hello Small Business Owners,
I am writing to you because our changing health care system will have a profound effect on all of us. Now that the election is over and the Supreme Court has ruled, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not going away. It will not be repealed and it is up to us to make sure it will work for small businesses and individuals as it was intended to do. That’s why I joined the Campaign for Better Health Care’s newly created Small Business Health Care Consortium (SBHCC).

This consortium views the needs of small businesses and their employees as a top priority. And, as a member of the Steering Committee of the SBHCC, I am personally inviting you and asking you to invite your network of small businesses to participate in a one hour, educational free webinar about the Affordable Care Act on January 15th at 11:00am CST or January 16th at 3:30pm CST. Discussions around health reform have been confusing and, sometimes, even misleading. It is the goal of this free webinar to provide factual information about the changes that are already happening and those coming in the near future. It will discuss the benefits and opportunities of the ACA and what Illinois small businesses need to do to make sure this law will benefit them.

Follow this link to register for:
January 15th:

January 16th:

Many key components of the ACA are national in nature. For instance, small businesses currently providing health insurance to their employees could be eligible for a 35% tax credit. And, while employers with fewer than 50 full time employees are not required to provide health insurance, their employees can take advantage of the ACA’s benefits. Other components will be implemented at the State level and these decisions will either enhance small businesses or provide another hurdle. One important component is that all states must implement a health insurance exchange (marketplace). These exchanges will include a rate review process with defined, easy to understand plans to consider and review side-by-side. As small business owners we share many of the same, serious business challenges. It is my hope that you and your small business peers do want to learn more about the ACA. Let’s take this opportunity to act collectively to get control of health insurance costs and improve access to coverage.

The opportunity to create positive change is now. It is about fairness and choices for small businesses. Please register:
January 15th, 11am CST:
January 16th, 3:30pm CST:

And, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or ideas. Reach me at 312-286-8416 email or Wirehead Technology Healthcare IT Serives at Find a listing of our SBHCC Steering Committee members at: .

Howard Lee CIO
Wirehead Technology

If you need answers to your Healthcare IT needs now visit our Healthcare Managed Services page at Wirehead Technology

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