Saturday, December 29, 2012

Seminar: Understanding EHR Networks

Seminar: Understanding EHR Networks

With Meaningful Use 1 and 2 now part of the healthcare IT landscape. Private healthcare providers must now create EHR systems or face sever penalties by 2015. But many private doctors and small clinics while knowing that they have to create an EHR have not started because they have so many questions about how to create and EHR. But not many answers from government or Healthcare IT providers that could help them create their EHR systems like larger healthcare providers who have larger IT budgets and staff.

This fact has forced many small healthcare providers to partner with larger hospitals to help them create their EHR network. The latest reports states that over 60% of small healthcare providers have partner with larger hospitals to help them create their EHR network Still many small providers are going on their own to create their EHR networks. For these providers they must ask themselves several questions to to truly understand how to create and EHR system that will meet all of the Meaningful Use 1 and 2 requirements these questions are:

1.Have you started your EHR network?
2.Do you know if your are eligible for the EHR Incentive Program through Medicare and Medicaid?
3.Do you have any type of medical software in place i.e. scheduling, lab reports, billing,etc. In your practice?
4.Are you aware of the Meaningful use1 and 2 time limits and penalties for not having an EHR plan in place?
5.Can your practice survive a medical IT audit?
6.Are You waiting to start your EHR network because of changes in the Healthcare Policies?
7.What Role Does Mobility Play in E H R?
8.Are you unsure of the cost of an E H R network?
9.Are you confused about how to pick the right IT vendor that can help you build your E H R Network?

If you are a Doctor or Administrator for a clinic or small hospital who need answers to these question then you should come to our seminar called “Understanding E H R” where will go thorough these question and give you the answers and solutions you need to get your E H R network completed within the guideline of HIPPA and HITECH regulations and qualify for Meaningful Use 1 & 2

The seminar will be held January, 9, 2013
Time: 9:30 am to 10:30 am
Wiess Memorial Hospital Auditorium
4646 N. Marine Drive
Chicago, IL 60640
(773) 878-8700
(800) 503-1234

Featured Speakers:
Howard Lee
Wirehead Technology
Howard Lee is the CIO of Wirehead Technology a mobile IT consulting company. He has been working in Healthcare for over 10 years. In 2001 he was a speaker at the National Medical Association Convention and an exhibitor at the Radiology Society of North America Expo on the subject of “Mobility in Healthcare”.

Hunt Russell
VP Business Development
7 Medical
Mr. Russell has been responsible for multiple roles within 7 Medical and currently serves as VP of Business Development. Initially, he was responsible for sales and building the sales team and partner channels. He has also been involved with operational and financial duties, including raising capital.

Event Sponsors:
Business Partners of Uptown Chamber of Commerce

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