Monday, December 9, 2013

Featured Report: Social Media Participation - A View Of The Bigger Picture

Instagram is the 'best platform for brands' in 2013, beating out Facebook, Twitter, and Google+

Venture Beat
by:John Koetsier

Instagram is the best platform for brands, according to a new study that reviewed all brands on social with over 25 fans on each of four major social platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
"With increases in fan/follower engagement nearly three times that of other networks studied, Instagram is the clear winner for 2013," SumAll CEO Dan Atkinson said. "If a company has a visual product to sell and it's currently not on Instagram, that company is missing out on significant brand awareness and revenue."
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Social Media Participation - A View Of The Bigger Picture

Small Business Newz
by:Lee Odden
Social media technologies and platforms are now everywhere internet connectivity exists: desktop, tablet, smartphones and even kitchen appliances, cars and wearable devices.
While social technology usage has matured significantly, there are many business professionals who either haven't started or aren't comfortable with the behavior of public sharing.
One of the most common criticisms or objections I hear is that an individual Tweet, Facebook post or image on Instagram isn't going to make a difference amongst the stream of social noise published every second. In fact, it can seem pretty overwhelming to executives my age, because expectations of their position are generally high and so is their own uncertainty about the impact of social media participation.
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Social Media Stats that Will Impact Your Strategies for 2014

Site Pro News
by:Tina Courtney-Brown

Businesses consistently dismiss the importance of social media, and in many ways, for good reason. It's challenging to quantify, and even tougher to manage. You can't do social halfway - either you're tackling this landscape with a full throttle approach, or you've dipped a toe in and haven't seen an iota of movement.
One of the most difficult aspects of social media is the ever-changing landscape. Riding on assumptions and intuition about social demographics and trends is a fatal flaw. To be effective in the social stratosphere, you have to stay on the pulse of what's trending. And that varies from platform to platform. What Pinterest users are going batty for will not match up with the latest Twitter tweets. So be prepared to stay on top of social media's latest and greatest, or you won't see your efforts pay off.
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Social Media Services

Small Business Owner,
Do you need help in getting your social network up and running this holiday season but don't know where to go? We can help let our new Social Media Managed Services will set up all of your social networks from Facebook to Pinterest. We can also help with writing a company newsletter and blogs and distributing it to all of your social networks.

Our services can will also link your website content to social network that will Drive more traffic to your website with focused, targeted email communications. Build and manage your email list: import existing customer lists, add names individually, or capture contact information from website visitors. Measure your email campaign results instantly-check click-through rates, review new subscribers, and see who opened and clicked on each link so you can tailor your follow-up communications.

Send automated communications to new sign-ups via our Autoresponder tool. Communicate with your audience with confidence, knowing that Constant Contact will take care of getting your email delivered and keep you CAN-SPAM compliant. Discover how the power of Email Marketing by Constant Contact can help you better connect with your customers, strengthen your relationships with them, and grow your organization. Don't have a website? we can build one for you that is optimized for social media. Sign up for a FREE 60-Day Trial Need to know more check out our website at Wirehead Social Media Services


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