Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Featured Report: Why Windows Phone is the Mobile Platform to Watch

Why Windows Phone is the Mobile Platform to Watch
smartphone 8
CIO Mobile
By:James A. Martin

When it comes to mobile apps, it's an Android/iOS world. But Microsoft, the perpetual underdog, is looking more and more like a serious alternative. Here are three reasons why.
1. Growing Marketshare. Research firm Strategy Analytics, in an Oct. 31 smartphone report, claims that Android is overwhelmingly the top mobile OS platform, with a global Q3 marketshare of 81.3 percent, up from 75 percent in the same quarter last year.

2013 in Review: Top 10 products covered on ZDNet Mobile News
ZD Net
by:James Kendrick

Sometimes it seems there's a revolving door at the home office, with laptops, tablets, and other mobile devices constantly arriving and departing. That's a good thing, as it means dozens of items are reviewed over the year to give readers a look at new and innovative products.
With so many products covered in 2013, there are a few that were so good they left a lasting impression. The first review included in this list covered two products, so there's actually 11 mentioned in the 10 selected reviews. The 10 listed in this collection are the best of the lot, and in many cases got me to open my wallet.
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Apple, Google, Microsoft among tech giants calling for surveillance reform
Man on Cell Phone
Fierce Wireless

Eight major technology companies, including mobile heavyweights Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), launched a public campaign to reform government surveillance efforts, which could also help restore their customers' trust after widespread disclosures of snooping by the National Security Agency.
The group--which also includes AOL, Facebook (NASDAQ:FB), LinkedIn, Twitter and Yahoo--issued an open letter to President Obama and members of Congress and wrote that while they acknowledge that governments have a duty to protect their citizens, they feel the disclosures by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden show the need for reform
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Introducing the New Windows...

Surface 2 -- from Microsoft
Surface 2 -- from Microsoft

Microsoft Store
Surface 2 and Surface 2 Pro Now Available!

Introducing the new Windows, an operating system that understands how your customers interact and do business, giving them instant access to apps, people, and more to boost productivity.

Starting with an increased focus on mobility, security, management, and visualization, the latest version of Windows combines the fast, fluid design and meets the increasing demands of your business, making it possible to work both faster and smarter.


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