This Week's Mobile Marketing News
Digital Coupons, Mobile Give Cheapskates Staying Power
Consumers will continue to adopt digital bargain-hunting behavior
The Great Recession put a wide swath of US consumers on the money-saving path, and digital tools helped make bargain hunting all the easier. These are lessons consumers will not soon unlearn, according to a new eMarketer report, “Cheapskates Online: How the 'New Normal' Takes Advantage of New Technology.”
While print coupons still rule the day, digital coupons have caught on as a mainstream activity. eMarketer estimates that 96.6 million US adults will be digital coupon users by the end of this year, with the figure expected to top 100 million in 2014.
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ZD Net
Is your small business ready for social collaboration?
by:+ Heather Clancy
Given the ongoing march toward distributed teams — regardless of policies such as the anti-telecommuting edict of Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer — the rise of dozens of cloud-hosted collaboration and social "intranet" platforms isn't all that surprising. I'm routinely pitched by at least one new (or renewed) service every month, and I've often wondered whether they were really appropriate for small businesses of, say, fewer than 20 employees.
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Small Business Technology
Twitter Advertising 101: 8 Things to Know About Advertising Your Business on Twitter
Apr,24, 2013
by:+Stephanie Faris
Recently, Twitter announced it was ramping up its business offerings, providing more targeted ad placements to better reach customers. The changes are in response to customer demand, with many small businesses long having clamored for a better way to reach customers on the second most popular social media site. With its nemesis, Facebook, so successfully catering to businesses, it’s important for Twitter advertisers to reach out to businesses in order to remain competitive.
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Featured Report: How to Use Google Trends to Boost Your Business
Site Pro News
Apr,29, 2013
by:+Tina Courtney-Brown
Maintaining a successful online business requires a multitude of disciplines, not the least of which includes a watchful eye on the changes and trends in your industry. It’s now imperative that you understand the needs and interests of your demographic, and that you respond to large-scale shifts as quickly as possible.
Likewise, it’s just as important to spot trends that are just quick blips on the digital landscape. These are the waves you can ride out without adjusting your business strategy. The question is — how do you stay on top of what’s trending in your industry, and which trend do you need to respond to? There are many worthy tools that help you see the big picture, and one such gem is Google Trends.
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Hello Businesses Owner,
I am writing to you because our changing health care system will have a profound effect on all of us. Now that the election is over and the Supreme Court has ruled, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not going away. It will not be repealed and it is up to us to make sure it will work for small businesses and individuals as it was intended to do.
That’s why I joined the Campaign for Better Health Care’s newly created Small Business Health Care Consortium (SBHCC). This consortium views the needs of small businesses and their employees as a top priority.
And, as a member of the Steering Committee of the SBHCC I am personally inviting you to join our network of small businesses who know that only through our collective voices that will assure that the Affordable Care Act live up to its goal of making healthcare affordable for all.
Discussions around health reform have been confusing and, sometimes, even misleading. It is the goal of the SBHCC to provide factual information about the changes that are already happening and those coming in the near future. The SBHCC discusses the benefits and opportunities of the ACA and what Illinois small businesses need to do to make sure this law will benefit them.
Many key components of the ACA are national in nature. For instance, small businesses currently providing health insurance to their employees could be eligible for a 35% tax credit. And, while employers with fewer than 50 full time employees are not required to provide health insurance, their employees can take advantage of the ACA’s benefits.
Other components will be implemented at the State level and these decisions will either enhance small businesses or provide another hurdle. One important component is that all states must implement a health insurance exchange (marketplace). These exchanges will include a rate review process with defined, easy to understand plans to consider and review side-by-side.
As small business owners we share many of the same, serious business challenges. It is my hope that you and your small business peers do want to learn more about the ACA. Let’s take this opportunity to act collectively to get control of health insurance costs and improve access to coverage. The opportunity to create positive change is now. It is about fairness and choices for small businesses. To that end I like for you to hear my own personal story about how the new healthcare law will effect me.
Please go to this link at to see my story Watch My Story
Then Join the SBHCC do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or thoughts. I may be reached at or Wirehead Technology
Sincerely,Howard Lee
Wirehead Technology
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